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Image credit : Shyam's Imagination Library
Shyam's Insights :
Anger actually makes you a dog in the manger. While it is not of any benefit to you, it can prevent others from helping you and yourself being of help to others. Hence it can be very destructive to yourself and others. Not only can it harm you from outside, it can cause harm inside you as well. Anger is a feeling, or more of a destructive emotion that can, and will, take over without warning.
Anger has – physiological preparation phase – and – wind down phase. When the target of anger is no longer accessible or there is no immediate threat, person starts to relax back, and gradually moves gradually towards resting state. However, it is difficult to relax from angry state. The adrenaline caused arousal that occurs during anger lasts a very long time (many hours, sometime days) and lowers anger threshold, making is easier to get angry again later on, though the person gets calm down, it takes a very long time for the person to return to resting state. During this slow cool down period person is more likely to get very angry in response to minor irritations that normally would not bother. High levels of arousal significantly decrease ability to concentrate.
Image credit : Shyam's Imagination Library
Shyam's Insights :
Shyam’s insight on this article : It was in mid-eighties, when I was training management professionals on Behavioral sciences, that, I used to take up the topic of anger management.
People used to suggest to me to write a book on 'Anger Management'. I knew that, I didn't have in me to write a book on any topic, leave alone anger, and I used to tell people honestly about it. It is a fact, that , till today, I have not written a single book, except 'Training Manuals', this being in house publications, no bother of marketing was involved.
The idea of writing an article on anger management came to me in 2008, and ever since, the process was ongoing, work in progress for eight years. These eight years, I always felt the insufficiency in content and thought process in me for writing an article that people could find useful.
On 1st June 2016, a strange determination took over me, I told myself, if I had quality values, people could benefit from, it better be distributed among people. There was no point in keeping the raw material with me infinitely. Having got the thought, I sifted through the content I had and started the work.
I worked continuously worked for three days and completed article on 4th June 2016. Eight years effort culminating in an useful article. The article was well received, well read and well appreciated. The article deals with the behavioral, physiological, psychological, and other aspect of Anger. Hope you will also like it the article.
Now the Article..
If Anger is a manger, then inappropriate
expression of it makes you a dog in it.
Being a human being is a better option always and at all times.
Isn't it ???
Being a human being is a better option always and at all times.
Isn't it ???
Anger actually makes you a dog in the manger. While it is not of any benefit to you, it can prevent others from helping you and yourself being of help to others. Hence it can be very destructive to yourself and others. Not only can it harm you from outside, it can cause harm inside you as well. Anger is a feeling, or more of a destructive emotion that can, and will, take over without warning.
Anger is a natural expression of an emotion,
generally considered a negative emotion. However inappropriate expression of
anger is more dangerous and damaging than anger itself. If a person is not
dependent on you for his existence or obliged to you in some way other, he will
not be willing to put up with your insane behavior during anger for long. Few
times people may put up with your anger due relations with you or your family
members after that they will avoid interacting with you unless there is an
unavoidable emergency.
A moment of anger sometimes makes you invest
almost half of the day in damage control exercise.
What is
anger and the misconceptions about the anger.
Anger is a strong emotion
designed to send the clear message “something has got to change”. It is an
urgent plea for justice and action. If we exercise enough self-control to
overcome our immediate impulse to lash out and do harm, we can calm down,
reflect, and analyze the causes of our anger. Careful analysis can identify
what change is needed and can lead us toward constructive and lasting change
that fulfills our needs.
When cooler heads prevail anger's energy is channeled in a positive direction,
and the anger motivates constructive changes. When we act on our impulses in
the heat of passion, the results are too often destructive and tragic.
There are many myths and misconceptions about
anger and how to cope with it. The most
destructive misconception is that it is healthy or effective to display anger
violently and “vent”. Contrary to this popular misunderstanding, the most
healthy way to deal with anger is to stay in control, analyze the message it is
sending, and harness the energy it provides for positive change. Another
misconception is that revenge
can lead to positive change. Unfortunately revenge usually leads only to a
cycle of destructive escalation. Expressing anger with violence breeds more
anger. I hope the information presented here helps channel anger into positive
physiology of anger, what happens inside your body when you are angry??
Your body
chemistry changes when you are angry.
Physiology of
Anger is a powerful emotion like
other emotions. Anger is experience in our bodies as well as in our mind. There
is a complex series of physiological events that occurs as we become angry. The
amygdala is the part of our brain responsible for identifying threats to our
wellbeing, and after identification of threats it sends alarm which results in
taking steps to protect ourselves. It is faster than the cortex (is a part of
the brain responsible for thought & judgment) in warning about the threats
which are coming. Anger affects our body in different ways. Neurotransmitter
chemicals known as catecholamine are released from the brain causing us to experience
a burst of energy lasting up to several minutes. This burst of energy is behind
the common angry desire to take immediate protective action.
Physiological Changes Heart rate increases Blood pressure rises. Rate of
breathing increases. Face may flush as increased blood flow occurs. Attraction
become narrowed and becomes locked on to the target of anger. In quick
succession additional brain neurotransmitters are activated and hormones such
as adrenaline and noradrenalin are released, which trigger a lasting state of
arousal. Person is now ready to fight. Simultaneous Catecholamine release
causes a sugar deficiency, which makes an angry person “shake with anger”.
Muscles that are needed to fight, become very tight, causing an uptight
Anger Phases
Anger has – physiological preparation phase – and – wind down phase. When the target of anger is no longer accessible or there is no immediate threat, person starts to relax back, and gradually moves gradually towards resting state. However, it is difficult to relax from angry state. The adrenaline caused arousal that occurs during anger lasts a very long time (many hours, sometime days) and lowers anger threshold, making is easier to get angry again later on, though the person gets calm down, it takes a very long time for the person to return to resting state. During this slow cool down period person is more likely to get very angry in response to minor irritations that normally would not bother. High levels of arousal significantly decrease ability to concentrate.
consequences of Anger:
Angry hostile people face a higher risk of heart attack. uncontrollable
anger may also cause a brain artery to burst resulting in a stroke. Anger can
cause rise in stomach acid which can cause irritable bowel and diarrheas along
with a susceptibility to stomach ulcers. Excessive anger can also result in a Hypoglycemic
stroke (low sugar).
How to Manage
Understand the reasons for your anger and
understand its causes:
thoughts, as the memories of the causes and reasons for the anger to arise.
Limit this examination to one source and cause at a time, and isolate it from
the numerous other things that may make one angry.
whether specific anger is legitimate, or from expectation
Deal with Legitimate Anger: It comes down to - one wants justice.
Anger may be readily justified by difficult circumstances and people. One would
expect not to get robbed and when one does one is entitled to get and be angry.
However, the anger and bitterness only compounds the original injustice
extending it into perpetuity. One allows the perpetrator the control of one's
feelings endlessly, not only in the past but in the present as well.
Realize anger becomes an identity. 'I am angry person, hear me
roar'. This entitles one to special privileges and compensations. It gives one
power. Attempt to discover the entitlements one's anger has provided one, and
that one becomes dependent. One may derive emotional energy and motivation from
anger, to power trip and just to get one's own way. Perhaps a better way to
channel this type of anger is to get mad at things that don't affect one
exactly personally, like the news. Channel anger into creative motivation like
art, writing, manual labor or sports.
Realize that depression, even that diagnosed by a professional,
can at root be caused by anger, and the frustration arising when it cannot or
is not rectified, and there is no justice. Because anger in most cases must be
suppressed, so as to not cause harm to oneself and others, or its source has
caused humiliation and shame, and because one seethes with it when not
released, and one pushes it into the unconscious, its unresolved pestering can
cause depression.
Understand that unresolved anger is often directed unfairly at
others by stereotype, as either individual persons, groups or organizations.
Unable or unwilling to confront the source of one's anger, one may create a
general category resembling the character of the source and attack those of that
type to get justice. It is unfair to guiltless parties.
fault by an honest assessment, mostly to determine whether one has misplaced
blame on oneself. Do not take blame for others misconduct. If one has some
culpability take responsibility for it, wherein it helps to admit and cross check
with others. Refuse to take any responsibility where one is not at fault. This
means there is no guilt. However, if one has culpability one may have diverted
the anger from the self to another party. One might find that they may have
exaggerated the source incident out of proportion. Until one accepts
responsibility there will be no resolution, but only endless recrimination.
Expectation Anger:
It means one creates expectations of one's
own choosing, or adopts them from family, friends or the culture in general.
Anger may arise when actual experience or present thinking does not conform to
expectation, and where that expectation is important and has consequence.
Expectation is standards, rules, laws, tradition, custom, the way one expects
others and reality and general to be. When reality does not meet expectations,
one may get angry. This anger problem can be dealt with by changing one's expectations.
Do not expect others to share the same
standards, values, and expectations as oneself. Maybe the most common
expectation is expecting others to conform to one's own standards. Don't assume
others who make one angry are doing it intentionally. They may simply have
different standards. In some cities in the world everyone beeps their horn when
the light changes to green. One may get angry because someone's faux pas is
interpreted as willful disrespect, arrogance or animosity, when actually the
true problem may be they are simply unaware of what one's standards are.
Confront the perpetrator in some way to let them know that they are making one
angry. Of course caution must be considered in the event of the possibility of
High expectations for other people when
unrealized, may tend to cause anger. Anger may be created by imposing
expectations and by having them imposed on one. Attempt to understand the
motivations for one's high expectations. One may discover they have more to do
with one's own flaws of character. Recognize that imposing one's own standards
on others is fascist. Let them have their own life. When there is conflict:
discuss it, argue it out, compromise or separate. One may not like it when
others do it to one, but to then do it to others, can only be for the reason of
some higher authority. One may have to learn to avoid these kind of people.
When something makes one angry express and
let it out immediately in some calm and intelligent way and do not suppress it.
Make understandings with others concerning one's annoyances. One should expect
that compromise might be necessary. In relationships, expectations should be
known and agreed upon by all parties. Expectations for children or anyone for
that matter should be relative to their capacities and equally explained.
You can change your expectations: Anger can
be dealt with by changing one's expectations. One may change, as raise or lower
one's expectations for circumstances and other people. It is useless to expect
a dog to adopt religion, and the failure can only cause disappointment and
anger. People who are wedded to strict, standards and absolutes are subject to
anger when others do not conform. Apply standards to oneself and not
necessarily others. Separate the responsibility for one's own standards from
Always discuss with others, what it is they
do, that causes one's anger and attempt a resolution or compromise.
Relationships may have to be ended if no resolution can be reached, when the
anger is destructive to all members involved. The break may be a better option
than the continuous friction and perhaps violence and humiliation of all.
Anger at
circumstance can be difficult to solve since it is often difficult to change,
like children who don't like their family for instance. Learn to accept reality
as it naturally is. Avoid circumstance that causes anger whenever possible,
like avoiding certain people, situations and relationships. Learn one's own
capacities and do not get angry at one's inability to live up to things that
are not realistic for one's own abilities. Many times these things may become
possible as one gets older, or they may simply be impossible.
If the above fails, seek therapy or anger
management groups. Or with the net one can go on line, and find dozens,
hundreds, perhaps thousands with a same or similar problem. One can join chat
If at any time you are thinking about doing
something that would hurt yourself or other people, get help immediately.
If you feel anger taking over, remove
yourself from the situation before things become too heated.
Recognize that sometimes anger is justified,
and may need to come out. However, realize that there are productive ways to do
it instead of lashing out at others.
Ask yourself if the future recipient of your
furor deserves to be blown up at, or if you are just using them as a punching
bag to release steam about another person/issue that bothers you.
Sometimes, instead of talking to someone
directly, it is more appropriate to write a letter.
Taking yoga can be a long-term solution to
anger problems, allowing you to focus on your feelings and release your stress.
If at all possible, remove yourself from the
situation. It's amazing the difference 8-hours of sleep or a 5-minute walk can
make. Time gives you distance from the issue, allowing you to put things into
Find a creative outlet, such as writing,
drawing etc. where you can expend your energy. Hobbies help elevate your mood
and allow you to channel energy that you'd usually have spent dwelling on
issues that you aren't able to resolve. Imagine what you could do with the
energy you expend in anger if you channeled it into something else.
There is a difference between controlling
anger and holding it in until later. If you are unable to avoid feelings of
anger, try to release your bottled up feelings later in positive forms like
art, exercise, or some other hobby.
Try thinking of stuff that you are thankful
for. The more specific, the better. You can't be truly angry and thankful at
the same time.
Meditation is a useful way to release stress
and/or anxiety, which are often prerequisites to anger. Do not meditate when
you are angry, as this could have a negative effect on your anger. Instead,
meditate when you have calmed down and are in complete control of your thoughts and emotions.
Remember, we are all human and tend to get
angry at someone or something. Don’t think, a person writing an article on
anger has conquered anger and cannot get angry. A person who gets angry and has
lost precious relationships and other things of value writes such articles
based on his experience for public good.
As for me, people think that I am cool and
never get angry or irritated. People who have worked with me for years have
been amazed at my balanced temperament and my capability to deal with and
manage angry people. However, it not an acquired attribute. I cannot claim to
have worked hard to get it. It is a natural trait; I have from my birth. It is
in the pedigree and perhaps genealogy too.
I know, not all are lucky enough to get it in
their genes and chromosomes, but everyone, absolutely everyone can with effort,
acquire this attribute.
No article on anger can be conclusive. There
is always scope for addition, modification and improvement. I request people to
value add to this article.
Let us all work towards an anger free world.
Best wishes,
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